Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Art or science? The chemistry of food...

Maybe science in everything leading up to the presentation (awful lot of math involved in those measurements and physics in getting those temperatures just so), then it transforms to art.

And while I'm on the subject of food as science, or art, or whatever, how about food as an important social bond? The family supper, after all, combines two deep needs -- for nourishment and for connection. The ritual of shared dining is something "from which all who participate benefit".

And while I'm food blogging, over the last year or so Indian food has replaced sushi as my favorite ethnic food, though as it happens "curry is a generic term that Indians themselves would never use..."

And Professor Bainbridge, the law blogger [blawger?], offers the recipe for a perfect Autumn soup. The best part? It's mostly done in a slow cooker, so you can load it up, go to a soccer game, rake some leaves, wash your car, then come in and eat.


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