Sunday, December 19, 2004


Dave Barry wants to save America. Money quote:

"And as Americans, we must ask ourselves: Are we really so different? Must we stereotype those who disagree with us? Do we truly believe that all red-state residents are ignorant racist fascist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco-juice-dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or that all blue-state residents are godless unpatriotic pierced-nose Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts?"

The answer may surprise you...and will definately amuse:

Time Mag Blog of the Year

Powerline has been named Time Magazine's "Blog of the Year". Sounds right to me; those guys are about as good as you can find in the blogosphere. They were the guys that blew the cover off Dan Rather's National Guard "documents", and led the charge on RatherGate. Moreover, the story was perfectly crafted for blogs.

Speaking of blogs vs. old media, if we consider the massive amount of huge stories in 2004 (the election and all its sub-plots and stories, Iraq, Afganistan, the Red Sox, Reagan and Arafat passing, etc, etc), we have to to wonder why there was no increase in circulation and veiwership. If MainStreamMedia couldn't get it done in 2004, what will they do in a slow year? Truly, the era of blogs as full-on viable news sources is upon us.

(Gotta give a hat tip to Tim Blair over at Spleenville for this one.)

Sobering Satire

If anyone has any doubt about how discredited and dysfunctional the U.N. has become, look no further than the latest headline in The Onion:

Carnival of the Recipes

The charming Sarah K over at Mountaineer Musings is hosting this weeks Carnival of the Recipes. Just in time for Christmas; check it out and whip up something tasty

US Soccer Qualifying In Doubt

This bit of national team news was buried last week, but it seems kind of important. It seems the players union is threatening to derail the US team in its World Cup qualifying round begining in February. I know domestic based players have been largely underpaid, but sheesh, it doesn't seem like the national team is the place to air grievances.