Thursday, February 28, 2008
Finally! The first presidential candidate since 1984 that I can fully and unabashedly support!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
There are a couple of tiresome vegan scolds that live in my town, and from time to time they manage to sneak an unreadable pile of dreck into my local newspaper about the evils of meat. Or somesuch. Which begs the question: is it ever ethical to eat a chicken? Because - wait for it - chickens are people too!
Hey thanks, Jane! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
It's another case of an armed insane person invading a school. Only the school in question is a university, so the students are adults and (you'd think) better equipped and prepared to defend themselves. Except - you guessed it - it's another one of those "gun free zones" campuses. Which means everyone except the armed insane person was unarmed...
Glenn Reynolds points you to all the right places.
Glenn Reynolds points you to all the right places.
Wait, you mean media can create a negative image through biased reporting? I'm shocked. Shocked!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The finest 80's era Band Jangle is releasing a new album soon...
("Album"? Is that even a thing anymore? Even if it was a marginally relevant thing, doesn't selective single-song download make it, well, irrelevant? Ed.)
("Album"? Is that even a thing anymore? Even if it was a marginally relevant thing, doesn't selective single-song download make it, well, irrelevant? Ed.)
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Celebrities. Being told the truth? Or just what they want to hear...?
Spring training starts soon, and the overly long baseball season starts again (as if it ever really stops...). Given the absurd histrionics we'll have to deal with all summer and fall, baseball will be a delightful distraction.
Red has a wonderful post about "the astonishing lengths to which folks will go to snag an actual Major League game ball". I've come close on a few occassions, but never did get one. Last summer a guy directly in front of me caught a ball that would have broken someone's face if he hadn't been there. A couple of years ago a high pop up fell over my head just off my fingertips and landed smack in some dude's beer cup. Hilarious, but not to the dude who lost his $7 beer and got soaked in that lovely stadium beer aroma...
But my best memory (or worst, I'm not sure) was a foul ball at a game in Philadelphia that rolled up the first base wall right to where I was sitting. I leaned over to field it and the sucker bounced off my hand and into right field. The effing stadium erupted in boos! Wait, it gets better (or worse)! They replayed the scene on the jumbotron in centerfield, and they effing booed me again! City of Brotherly Love, my ass.
And Basegirl quickly gets over football and gets right into baseball...
Red has a wonderful post about "the astonishing lengths to which folks will go to snag an actual Major League game ball". I've come close on a few occassions, but never did get one. Last summer a guy directly in front of me caught a ball that would have broken someone's face if he hadn't been there. A couple of years ago a high pop up fell over my head just off my fingertips and landed smack in some dude's beer cup. Hilarious, but not to the dude who lost his $7 beer and got soaked in that lovely stadium beer aroma...
But my best memory (or worst, I'm not sure) was a foul ball at a game in Philadelphia that rolled up the first base wall right to where I was sitting. I leaned over to field it and the sucker bounced off my hand and into right field. The effing stadium erupted in boos! Wait, it gets better (or worse)! They replayed the scene on the jumbotron in centerfield, and they effing booed me again! City of Brotherly Love, my ass.
And Basegirl quickly gets over football and gets right into baseball...