My hometown happens to be Amsterdam, Holland, or as I like to call it, "That filthy shithole my daddy had the good sense to move his family out of."
Holland has big problems these days, nearly all of them of their own making: a death-spiral birth rate, an unsustainable state welfare give-away system, the most absurdly open immigration policy imaginable, and an un-assimilated, radicalized Muslim underclass.
So is there hope for Holland? I'm quite pessimistic; I think the multi-culti pieties of Dutch political correctness leave the Dutch unable to save themselves from themselves.
Here's a NYT article detailing the flight of the Dutch.
Here's an article detailing Dutch attempts to push back at current trends.
Here's some advise from
Mickey Kaus:
"A practical lesson from the U.S. for the Dutch? Of the two preconditions, welfare is probably the easiest to change first (though of course you want to try to change both). End perceived freeloading on welfare--as our 1996 welfare reform at least partially did--and you then have a much better shot at diminishing prejudice. You've attacked one of its 'root causes,' if you will."Here are some relevant comments from
Mark Steyn:
"Progressive secular welfarism is a great life - but only for a generation or two. After that, it’s a death cult."