Sunday, May 30, 2010

So the US did a bit better yesterday in their final tune-up, and the fans actually got to see the 11 that will be on the field when the World Cup starts, but I'm standing by my earlier prediction: 1 point & last in their group. They just don't have the depth and overall quality to deal with a competition like the Cup.

So I'm on to my next prediction, and this is about Argentina.

In many ways I believe Argentina is the class of this competition. They have the best player on the planet, another player who has the potential to be the best player on the planet by the end of next season, and mid-field talent galore with both skill and bite. Ordinarily I would predict an appearance in the final.

But. They are led by a clown.

The former great Maradona has for a decade now devolved into complete buffoonery, and his recent antics show he is simply ill-suited to the task at hand. Among other media distractions, he has demanded that a special toilet be installed at his hotel and announced he will run naked through Buenos Aires should Argentina win. Eventually these distractions will take a toll on the team and affect their on-field concentration. They are too good to be knocked out in the early stages, but I see them crashing out in the quarterfinal, or possibly the semis. Regardless, they will not be in the final. You read it here first.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Oh, well as long as he's an expert then I suppose it's OK. And he did travel all that distance...

Looking for the PETA protest babes to arrive

Thursday, May 27, 2010

You know who isn't going to be playing any World Cup soccer, ever? This kid...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fine commentary on the final 23 player US roster and the virtual non-impact of the final players selected...
So I went to the US soccer game vs. the Czech Republic last night. Unfortunately.
The result really was a shame for a few different reasons apart from the dreadful scoreline, 4-2. The stadium was essentially full and there was a great atmosphere and energy, but the US coaching staff somehow needed to get one last look at several marginal players before leaving for the World Cup in South Africa. I have a problem with that. They've pretty much had four years to figure out who should be on the final roster. The final warm-up game should be an opportunity to put your starting 11 together for one last dress rehearsal before you take the big stage. Instead, we're evidently still looking for the final pieces to bring along. Also, a stadium full of paying fans....what, US soccer can't give a little something back to the fans? We shelled out full price for the tickets, we deserved a better showing. And by the way, those bubble players we had to watch all night? Yeah, they're pretty much crap...

So with all of that said, and based on what I saw last night, I'm making my first series of predictions for the US and the rest of group C.

US plays England first. 0-5 England. The only reason to watch will be to see if Rooney scores all 5 or if 5 different Englishmen score 1 each.

Then Slovenia. I'm calling it 0-1 to Slovenia in a mild upset, but not to me. If the US can muster some luck they could go 0-0 here, but I don't think so.

Then it's Algeria, who will be missing a top player due to injury, so the US should pick up a point: 0-0.

So there you have it: England go through with 9 points, Slovenia will finish 2nd with 4 points, Algeria 3rd with 2 points. US finish last in the group with 1 point. You read it here first.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The World Cup begins in just a few weeks now, and of course I'll be following closely and making fearless predictions. Here's a bold one to get things started: one of Brazil, Italy, Germany, Argentina, England, or Spain are likely to advance to the final. I know, I know, I'm way out on a limb. How dare I make such reckless prognostications?

The team we'll be following most closely? These guys. Bold prediction to follow at a later date.

To properly prepare for the month long tournament it's important to take your pre-camp training seriously. What better way than to join this league? I mean, come on: "liquor is readily available on the touchline, courtesy of a mobile bar that is managed by two waitresses who run up and down the pitch serving players."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Treacher has a boring day, feels sorry for himself (briefly), gets paid.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Listen. First of all, get your finger off the trigger and rest it on the trigger frame. Second, for goodness sake point it downward, not up. Never up.

Other than that though you're good...
Gone but not forgotten! It's a firefly news: a new movie in the works(sort of), also a behind the scenes book. And mutant cows running amok! (Potentially.)

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Yeah, I'd drive fact let's put some wings on it and add some upward thrust and let's see what it can do...

Lots more here.

Via Cool Hunter.